Thursday, 28 February 2013

Sponsorship Advert

This week I got the final film for my sponsorship advert. I am going to be using the same backing track and voice over as the other two advert to stick with the continuity. However I will using a script I've written to make it fit with the TV show.

Male Voice in the style of Gordon Ramsey: "You call that food?!!"

Then I will use a censoring beep sound effect

Female voice: "Keep it clean, with Savon Magique. Proud sponsors of Hell's Kitchen"

Here I have used my slogan in a different way to as it was intended in my other adverts, to be mean, "keep the language clean". This is an effective slogan as it can be used in this way and interpreted differently should I use it to sponsor any other TV shows.

I have decided that I am going to use the theme song from Hell's Kitchen as the backing track for my advert, this means that I will have to send out another permission form to the record company.

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