Thursday, 28 February 2013

Sponsorship Advert

This week I got the final film for my sponsorship advert. I am going to be using the same backing track and voice over as the other two advert to stick with the continuity. However I will using a script I've written to make it fit with the TV show.

Male Voice in the style of Gordon Ramsey: "You call that food?!!"

Then I will use a censoring beep sound effect

Female voice: "Keep it clean, with Savon Magique. Proud sponsors of Hell's Kitchen"

Here I have used my slogan in a different way to as it was intended in my other adverts, to be mean, "keep the language clean". This is an effective slogan as it can be used in this way and interpreted differently should I use it to sponsor any other TV shows.

I have decided that I am going to use the theme song from Hell's Kitchen as the backing track for my advert, this means that I will have to send out another permission form to the record company.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Final for main adverts

Finally I was able to complete my two main adverts by adding the background music to them, these are my final adverts.


Saturday, 16 February 2013

Garage Band

I recently purchased the Garage Band app for my iPad from the Apple Store. I'm not a very musically gifted person and this is where I really enjoyed the autoplay feature, which allows professional sounding music loops to be created at the touch of a button.

Before I began to make my background music I read the terms and conditions for the use of the autoplay feature. As expected this is fine to be used as personal, non-commercial use only, which is what I am doing. However, if the really industrial world, the autoplay feature would be completely out of bounds, but the app itself could still be used to create music.

I have used the autoplay loops to create a track I am happy with and emailed myself the m4a file to insert on to my advert.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Audience Research

In class today, we filmed the rest of our class watching our media week so far, I showed my second advert to class, although not completed to see what they thought.

After I had shown my work I asked the following question to a group of people to acquire qualitative research;

What do you think the advert is advertising?

Who do you think the target market audience is?

What time of day would this advert air?

Do you have any criticisms or  improvements?

Thursday, 7 February 2013

2nd Advert

The past two days I have done the recording for my second advert, as I'd done a lot of draft work already and completed my 1st advert I went straight ahead and filmed the final shots for my second advert.

Next week I shall put the advert together in sequence and can then add the voiceovers


Monday, 4 February 2013

1st advert

The filming for my first advert is now complete and has been put together on imovie. This is my completed advert with the voice overs.

For the final additions to this, I must add the background music